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Poster of The Matrix

The Matrix

Poster of The Terminator

The Terminator

Background image showing the circles in Klein 4 arrangement

Inversions in Movie Tropes

Introductory Group Theory through Hollywood Movies

Poster of Jurassic Park

Jurassic Park

Poster of The Inception

The Inception

The idea for this post struck on thinking about tropes employed in Hollywood movies and their relationships. I observed a curious inversion between 4 hollywood blockbusters: The Matrix, The Terminator, Jurassic Park, and The Inception. This connection becomes evident when thinking about the narrative tropes empolyed in their world building.

I had been exploring some group theory as a part of my research and I was able to recognize that the kind of inversions taking place between the worlds of these movies can be captured using an algebraic structure called the group. Groups are structures that measure symmetry of objects. But don’t let that intimidate you from understanding the gist of this post. It is easy to follow along if you get the inversion idea between the stories. Let us dive right in and explore this curious connection.

Dual Tropes

A first curious observation was that there’s a duality in the worlds of The Matrix and The Terminator.

Image showing duality between the worlds of Matrix and Terminator. The world of Matrix is depicted as an outer blue circle (simulation) with an arrow going to the orange dot (reality) in the center. The Terminator is shown as a blue dot (simulation) in the center with an arrow going to an outer orange circle (reality). These two are shown to be dual with arrows between them.
Poster of The Matrix

The Matrix

In the Matrix movie, humans embedded in the simulation revolt to regain control of the reality where machines are ruling the roost.

Poster of The Terminator

The Terminator

In the Terminator movie, machines from the simulation rebel against humans to gain control of the reality from humans.

Thus there is a duality between the worlds of Matrix and Terminator. One has the same source (virtuality) and target (reality), but the outside virtuality in Matrix is inside for Terminator, and the inside of Matrix, reality is outside in the Terminator world.

Arrow Inversions

After posting the tweet, I came across a nice observation from Haig on how Jurassic Park is an inversion of the Matrix.

Poster of The Matrix

The Matrix

Shows the world of Matrix with an outer blue circle (simulation) with an arrow going to the orange dot (reality) in the center.

In the Matrix, humans are trying to collapse the hyperreal simulation they are in, back to reality.

Arrows showing inverse connection
Shows the world of Jurassic Park with an orange dot (reality) in the center with an orange arrow going out the outer blue circle (simulation)

Jurassic Park

In Jurassic Park, we have expanded out the reality to a place where the hyperreal simulation of dinosaurs surround us.

There is an arrow inversion occurring between the two worlds. In Matrix, the motion is from virtuality back into reality, where as in Jurassic Park, it is the inverse movement from reality out to a virtuality of hyperreal dinosaurs. Also, worth noticing is that there is no change in the inside/outside relation of worlds like in the previous case between The Matrix and The Terminator.

An Analogy

This compelled me to complete the following analogy

Poster of The Matrix

The Matrix

is to

Poster of The Terminator

The Terminator

is as

Poster of Jurassic Park

Jurassic Park

is to


Symbolic Algebra

We can leverage our understanding of the accompanying symbols to work this out!

Shows 4 circles in a row in the following analogy format: Blue outer circle with arrow to inner orange dot : Inner blue dot with arrow to outer orange circle :: Orange dot with arrow from it to outer blue circle : Blue inner dot with arrow to it from the outer orange circle

So here, we seek a movie where there is an arrow from the reality outside to virtuality. And this immediately suggests some cool movies with this pattern and a fitting movie is The Inception!

Inception poster

A new dual trope

This lets us see how the worlds in Jurassic Park and The Inception are dual with both the arrows and the worlds reversing their roles, just like in Matrix vs. Terminator situation.

Image showing duality between the worlds of Jurassic Park and The Inception. The world of Jurassic Park is depicted as an orange dot in the center with an arrow going out to the outer blue circle. The Inception is shown as an outer orange circle with an arrow going into the blue dot in center. These two are shown to be dual with arrows between them.
Poster of The Matrix

Jurassic Park

In the Jurassic Park, humans in the reality reaches out to the simulated virtuality with the dinosaurs.

Poster of The Terminator

The Inception

In the movie Inception, some humans reach in to the virtual world of dreams from the reality.

So this gives us two set of dual worlds in the form of Matrix ⇆ Terminator and Jurassic Park ⇆ Inception.

Converse Worlds

This opens up two new kinds of connections between the worlds which can be thought of as swapping the inside and outside.

Image showing a set of back and forth arrows going between two pairs of movies.

If we keep the arrows constant and instead swap reality with virtuality, we get these converse worlds, where the movement stays constant, but the worlds have been flipped.

Klein 4 group of movies

We can integrate the knowledge we gained by completing the analogy to put them together as something known as a Klein 4 group. This concisely represents the various symmetries present across these movies and the operations of moving across them.

Shows the image of four movies in four corners of a Klein-4 group with horizontal, vertical, and crossing arrows between them. The four corners, in clockwise order, are the movies The Matrix, The Terminator, The Inception, and Jurassic Park.

This gives us 2 pairs of duals, 2 pairs of inverse worlds, and 2 pairs of converse worlds. So all the 6 possible connections between the 4 entities has been captured compactly in this group structure. Group theory is a world of fascinating mathematics where Klein 4 group is but one among a spellbinding array of algebraic structures. Hope this post gave a little taste of what it is like to think about relationships between different entities as a unified structure.

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